He who loves to read has everything at his fingertips.
For some, reading is a habit and a practice, which, started from a very early age in life, favors the development of language, improves spelling and increases reasoning capacity.
For others, reading is an obligation, a tedium and a nuisance, as they are forced by their parents and mentors who approach it as a punishment.
For me, reading is one of the greatest pleasures in life that gives me an infinite sense of freedom.
It was my Father who fostered in me the need to read, when from a very young age he gave me an Illustrated Larousse Dictionary and together we played to learn the names of countries, capitals and flags from all over the world. And it is that the love of reading cannot be improvised, always behind a voracious reader there is another tireless reader who put the first book in your hands and aroused your curiosity and the need to do so. Thus, thanks to my Father, my interest in reading turned into a passion that, like all others, is usually very intense and that continues to this day.
Although it is true that from childhood we get tired of hearing others repeat that the habit of reading is very important for all human beings, not all people understand the importance of this practice in all its dimensions, and sadly, many of them reach adulthood convinced that reading "is not so important".
Throughout time, humanity has treasured all its knowledge in books to record its diverse cultures and aesthetic values. Thanks to those books_ that we imagine as children with mustaches and glasses_ some civilizations have known each other and history has become countable and enduring.
But regardless of the need to learn to read in order to be literate, the family plays a decisive role in the inclinations of its members towards the habit of reading because, as the saying goes: ... "boys and girls do more what they see do than what we tell them to do "...
Understanding reading from its dimension of pleasure is a blessing, and reading is more than a pleasure, it is connecting our mind with a world of illusions and realities that we end up living as our own. A good literary work allows us to appropriate a lot of knowledge in an infinite world of knowledge.
But reading is not only playful, it is also a handle for broken hearts. Seen this way, when we go on vacation and we are willing to give ourselves completely to leisure, we do not hesitate to put a couple of books in the suitcase, while if we are sad, victims of a love disappointment, we do not hesitate to say to someone: can I borrow any book that heals my soul? . And is that reading is like an unconditional friend, always at hand ..., always patient ..., always quiet, unless you ask your opinion and it lends, above all, to help us emotionally, more than anything, when we have been deeply damaged.
Reading also establishes a very intimate relationship between the text and our feelings. Enjoying a good book we can dream, live, suffer and love through the characters that end up coming to life in our daily lives.
... How many times have we wished for ourselves a love like the one that has been narrated when we were teenagers in our favorite love novel ... and that is because reading allows us to vibrate, it allows us to desire with intensity what we want for ourselves and achieve what that we have dreamed of.
Reading is also a way of being fully free: we choose a text, we choose a genre, and we choose until the moment we surrender to its enjoyment, because reading is also an expression of the verb to love, we read only what we prefer and want to read, and in that singular preference in which we set our sights, we voluntarily sink, letting ourselves be carried away, as is often the case in love; for later, as good lovers; completely succumb to its charms. So we can also reflect on those readers who have found the love of their life in a library, in a reading workshop, or in a literary cafe ... and that is because reading can also put us on the best path ...
How reading unleashes my passions, Hobbiesenred has invited me to express it in this space, for which I deeply thank Onelio García Pérez_ who is its creator_ space in which I already feel very happy to share my experiences with the only hope of motivating others to be accomplices in reading.
I will return to tell you about my first books, about my favorite books, about those books that we cannot allow our children to stop reading and also why when William Godwin said: "He who loves reading has everything at his fingertips."
Meanwhile, I keep reading ... ??
Odalys López Pérez
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