Of what you know well say and talk ; but others' talk don't interrupt. Phrases

You are visiting Hobbiesenred, a site that provides modernized information directed to the lovers of different entertainments, created by a Specialist in Multimedia belonging to the Cuban Association of Social Communicators (ACCS) and his collaborators.

We present all the toppics to your disposal, the members' individual records to all who have questions, comments, suggestions or applications.

Hobbies - Curriculum - the collaborators' electronic Mail

1- Electronics - Onelio & Julio
2- Modelism - Onelio - director@hobbiesenred.com & Oneliogm - oneliogm@gmail.com
3- Motorcycling - Onelio & José josepeon0@gmail.com
4- Gardening - Yanet & Juan Antonio
5- Pets - Yamila
6- Planning - Bárbara & Gustavo & José progra@hobbiesenred.com
7- Fitness - Eduardo
8- Pyrography - Yassel
9- Plastic art- Dariel & Diria - diria.cuba@gmail.com
10- Mechanics - Noel
11- Saddlering - Osmin
12- Perfomance - Yanelis & Gladys
13- Horsemanship - Osmin
14- Music - Oneliogm - oneliogm@gmail.com & Lorena & Roberto
15- Meditation - Denis & Cary - denisramirezn@yahoo.com & cary5993@gmail.com
16- Communication - Ana
17- Automobilism - Orlando & Frank
18- Photographs - Onelio & David
19- Philately - Hilda
20- Ceramics - Otto
21- Fishfarming - Lázaro
22- Scripts - Héctor & Orieta
23- Enviroment - Ángela - acualina@ceniai.inf.cu
24- Construction - Onelio & Rolando
25- Hunting - Gollo
26- Fishing - Rolando
27- Listens-radio - Onelio & Lázaro
28- Hair Court - Rolando
29- Live Steam - Adrián - ssamentis@yahoo.es
30- Chess -
31- Hardware - Onelio
32- Dancing - Yanet
33- Proverb - Gretel - gretelheredia@yahoo.es
34- Homologation - Onelio
35- Buceo - Yamile - yluguera@yahoo.es
36- Pesquisa - Gerardo & Emba - milian.milian@yahoo.com
37- Magia - Roberto
38- Artesanía - Denny
39- Juegos - Onelito
40- Edición de Wikipedia - Wikipedia
41- To invest - Ginel
42- Halloween - Michael Tur - mtur82@gmail.com
43- Reading - Odalys - business@hobbiesenred.com
44- To travel - Ileana
45- Orthography - Odalys - business@hobbiesenred.com
46- Learn - Onelio
47- Cycling sport - Onelio
48- Parties - Proceso
49- Pipes - Proceso
50- Dolls - Roque
51- Art - Sara - arteparavivirss@gmail.com
52- Hiking - Ileana
53- Puzzle - Pedro
54- Decorative birds - Onelio
55- Slots - Proceso
56- Beauty - Elena - belleza@hobbiesenred.com
57- Poetry - Manuel González Busto & Vilma & Ibis Martín - poesia@hobbiesenred.com
58- Influencer - Yamilet - influencer@hobbiesenred.com
59- Karate - Proceso
60- Tools - Proceso
61- Join - Carlos - carlosleonexito@gmail.com.com

Onelio García Pérez
Director del Sitio www.hobbiesenred.com
WordPress Site.
Correo: director@hobbiesenred.com


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