With the invention of the engine, man tried to improve life and life is a small part of the perfect engine that is the universe. Phrases

Hello, from this "virtual workbench" I intend to convey to you, with the help of the mechanics who are in Havana, some advice and ideas from these Cuban creators.

Mechanics became part of my life since childhood as a result of the forced help to my father, because the old man began to work as a mechanic in a workshop near the house and I had to assimilate his demands in the: cleaning of car parts, cutting of the carburettor gaskets, seating of the valves ..., until I began to be interested in that discipline since I had a small model aircraft engine that I dismantled and I was thrilled.

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Onelio García

Onelio García

Onelio García

Onelio García

Onelio García

Onelio García

LIBROS: El Rincón de San Lázaro: Historia, tradición y cubanía (Spanish Edition) & Motores clásicos en Cuba 1899-2007 (Spanish Edition) en Amazon:

Onelio García

Onelio García

Over the years and the "gaznatones" that my father gave me, they made me understand that I had to pay attention, or otherwise, I could not take the car on weekends to take my girlfriend out "for a walk." Until I entered college and deepened my empirical knowledge.

At the ISPEJV I began to study mechanics through the technical subjects of the specialty. I remember there was a so-called "Internal Combustion Engines", a big problem for the ladies who surrounded me in the lectures and mechanics workshops! This led to mutual support among the students. Some of them helped me with the lyrics and I helped them with the technical ones, in that way, new "friends" began to appear ... Well, we're not going to touch that. We better continue with the mechanics.

Internal combustion engines -ICE-:

The MCI is a mechanism that cannot be attributed its invention to a single person, the "first indication" occurred in the year 1678 (Abate Hautefeuille) and "worked" with gunpowder, later others perfected their prototypes until 1862 when the French Beau de Rochas, patented a four-stroke engine, then the Germans Otto and Langen presented in Paris (1878) an engine that based its structure on the Beau de Rochas patent ...

We could define the ICE as:

"That machine that uses the expansive force produced by the combustion of the fuel mixture inside its structure to move".

The MCIs are "perfect machines" that develop oscillating movements of the piston inside a cylinder as a result of the explosion of the fuel mixture, causing the forced displacement of the piston (conversion of the rectilinear movement into a rotary one) thanks to the connecting rod and crank mechanism. .





Engine types:

Engines are classified into several types: depending on the type of mechanism, the fuels used, etc. On how to repair them, and other issues we will continue to deepen in the future.

Onelio García Pérez
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