As spider webs are the laws, That catch the fly and not the kite.
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Hello my name is Michael Tur. And I am a new member of Hobbiesenred, since I was a child I was passionate about the design and setting of the places where I spent my happy moments with my family and friends.
In the country where I live, the USA, a festive tradition is followed that has quite mixed origins, as there are several versions of its beginnings. I am not going to delve much into its roots, although I do accept the date of 1840 when the Halloween festivities officially began to take place in the US and Canada, by Irish immigrants who designed the carving of the giant pumpkin with a candle inside to scare the famine and remembering the dead.
It was not until 1921, that the first Halloween parade was officially celebrated in Minnesota, USA and later the artistic movement was expanded to other American states. My first decoration of this festivities took place in the city of Miami, in the year 2000, when I was 28 years old.
This decoration that I put in your hands, was made with the help of my wife Lorena García Martínez, without her help, it would not have been possible to do it due to the complexity of the tasks that need to be carried out to achieve it..
Until a new meeting with a passionate about Halloween decoration in Miami, FL, USA.
Halloween, por Michael Tur.
Party 2021 |
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Party 2022
Michael Tur
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